What are the Elements of DBMS?

The elements of DBMS are: A) Table: The primary building block of DBMS where data are organized in tabular form i.e rows and columns. The columns of a database table are called fields whereas, rows are called records. Importance of table.
  • Helps to store data in an organized group.
  • Easy to sort distinct records.
  • Fields of the table help to store different types of data on different topics.
B) Form: The element/object of the database which allows the user to enter new data and edit the existing one easily through a user-friendly interface. Importance of form.
  • It provides a user interface through which users can enter data.
  • It helps to modify records.
C) Query: The important object of the database which is used to retrieve/access and interpret the information according to the user's requirement. Importance of query.
  • It helps in faster access to data.
  • It helps to display information as per the user's condition.
  • It helps in sorting and filtering data.
D) Report The object of the database which is used to generate results after processing data in a database. It is an effective way of displaying data either in soft copy (monitor) format or hard copy (printed) format. Important of the report.
  • It helps to generate a summary after processing data.
  • It can be used to generate invoices, bills, statements, and labels.
  • It helps to generate results in an attractive and effective way.
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