Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Management

English - I

Course Title: English - I

Course no: ENG 201

Nature of course: Theory

Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 50

Credit Hours: 48

Course Description : English 201 course focuses on English language and communication skills required for general as well as professional contexts. It encourages students to expand their English vocabulary, improve their reading and writing abilities in English in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that they can apply to different communicative purposes. It also seeks to enhance students’ cross-cultural understanding by presenting a wide array of ideas from different spheres of human activity, which is of vital importance for success as an executive in management. Reading opinions of thoughtful people is important because we learn about other opinions and ideas in the process and they help shape our ideas and prepare us to become educated citizens who can think and form their own conclusions.

Course Objective : Upon finishing this course, students will acquire the skills to comprehend texts across different subjects and styles. They will become adept at expressing themselves through diverse forms of communication, both orally and in writing. Additionally, they will learn to tailor their content to suit specific purposes, contexts, and audiences, while also grasping the importance of employing suitable style and tone. This course will equip students to engage in effective general and business communications, fostering teamwork abilities and the capacity to align audience with the intended message and medium. Furthermore, students will develop proficiency in utilizing presentational and rhetorical techniques to enhance their communication effectiveness, ultimately gaining valuable insights within their chosen fields and beyond.

Course Contents:
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