Tribhuvan University
BIM (Bachelor of Information Management)
Advance Internetworking
Course Title: Advance Internetworking
Course no: IT 223
Nature of course: Theory + Practical
Full Marks: 40 + 20
Pass Marks: 24
Credit Hours: 3
Course Description : This course contains overview of internet network, networking layer, dynamic routing, Multicast and Multicast routing, Multimedia networking, Peer to Peer network and New Transport Layer protocols.
Course Objective : This course aims is to focus on network communication protocol. It also explains the motivation of networks and provides in-depth discussion on the challenges in designing such networks from transmission system and network point of views. Further to illustrate these principles and get hands- on experience the course contains a set of lab assignments and a project.
1) Setting up Routers, 2) Dynamic IP Address assignment 3) Static and dynamic Routing 4) IPv6 5) Multicast routing 6) Multimedia networking Project: - At the end of the semester students will work together in groups of 5 or 6 in a project to learn about and demonstrate how to setup an ISP(internet service provider). This project has to be examined by external examiner. ï‚· ISP Requirements report: Each group should submit a report on services and functionality required to establish an ISP. The group should also comment upon the requirements report submitted by another group. The Final report and demonstration: A final report should be written to describe some of the most desirable services an ISP should provide, including descriptions of how to this could be implemented. Some of the services should also be implemented and demonstrated by the group.