File Handling in QBASIC

By Notes Vandar

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File handling in QBasic allows you to read from and write to files using the QBasic programming language. This can be useful for storing and retrieving data, creating and modifying text files, and working with data in a structured format.

To work with files in QBasic, you will need to use the OPEN command to open a file and specify whether you want to read from or write to the file. You can then use PRINT and INPUT commands to read and write data to the file. The LINE INPUT command can be used to read a line of text from a file, and the EOF (end-of-file) function can be used to determine when you have reached the end of the file.

It is important to close a file when you are finished working with it, using the CLOSE command. This releases the resources that were being used by the file and ensures that any changes you made to the file are saved.

Here is an example of how to read a list of names from a file and print them to the screen using QBasic:

OPEN "names.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1

    INPUT #1, name
    PRINT name


In this example, the file “names.txt” is opened for input, and the DO WHILE loop reads each line of the file until it reaches the end. The INPUT command reads a line of text from the file, and the PRINT command prints it to the screen.

File handling in QBasic is a useful skill to have, as it allows you to work with data in a flexible and efficient way. It is also an important foundation for many other programming tasks, such as data analysis and database management.

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