Combinational Circuit Design

By Notes Vandar

4.1 Half adder, full adder, half subtracter, and full subtracter.

The Quine-McCluskey method is a systematic technique for minimizing Boolean functions, particularly useful for functions with more than four variables, where Karnaugh Maps become impractical. It is a tabular method that allows for the minimization of expressions using a clear step-by-step approach.

Steps in the Quine-McCluskey Method

  1. List Minterms:
    • Identify the minterms of the function you want to minimize. A minterm is a product term that corresponds to an output of 1 in the truth table.
  2. Group Minterms by Number of Ones:
    • Organize the minterms into groups based on the number of 1s in their binary representations.
  3. Combine Minterms:
    • Compare minterms in adjacent groups (differing by one 1) and combine them if they can be simplified. Replace the differing bit with a dash (−) to indicate it can be either 0 or 1.
  4. Repeat Combination:
    • Continue combining the new terms with each other, creating new groups, until no further combinations can be made.
  5. Prime Implicants:
    • The remaining terms after the last combination step are known as prime implicants. They cannot be further simplified.
  6. Prime Implicant Chart:
    • Create a chart with the prime implicants as rows and the original minterms as columns. Mark the cells where a prime implicant covers a minterm.
  7. Essential Prime Implicants:
    • Identify essential prime implicants, which are those that cover at least one minterm that no other prime implicant covers.
  8. Selection of Remaining Prime Implicants:
    • If there are still uncovered minterms after selecting essential prime implicants, choose additional prime implicants to cover them, aiming for the minimum number of terms.
  9. Formulate the Final Expression:
    • Combine the selected prime implicants to form the minimized Boolean expression.


Consider the function:
F(A,B,C,D)=Σ(0,1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,14)F(A, B, C, D) = \Sigma(0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14)

  1. List Minterms:
    • Minterms: 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14
  2. Group Minterms:
Number of 1s Minterms
0 0000 (0)
1 0001 (1), 0010 (2), 1000 (8)
2 0101 (5), 0110 (6), 1001 (9), 1010 (10)
3 0111 (7), 1110 (14)
  1. Combine Minterms:
    • Combine minterms differing by one position:
      • 0 (0000) and 1 (0001) → 000- (C)
      • 1 (0001) and 2 (0010) → 00-1 (B)
      • Continue this process for all groups.
  2. Prime Implicants:
    • Identify the remaining simplified terms after combinations.
  3. Prime Implicant Chart:
    • Create a chart marking which prime implicants cover which minterms.
  4. Select Essential Prime Implicants:
    • Identify essential prime implicants and select additional ones if necessary.
  5. Final Expression:
    • Combine the selected prime implicants to derive the minimized expression.


The Quine-McCluskey method provides a systematic and algebraic approach to minimize Boolean functions. It is especially useful for functions with a large number of variables or minterms, offering a reliable way to find the simplest expression. Understanding this method is essential for digital logic design, particularly in complex systems.

4o mini
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4.1 Half adder, full adder, half subtracter, and full subtracter.
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4.1 Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtracter, and Full Subtracter

1. Half Adder

A half adder is a combinational circuit that adds two single-bit binary numbers, producing a sum and a carry as output.

  • Inputs: Two single bits, AA and BB.
  • Outputs:
    • Sum (S): The binary sum of AA and BB.
    • Carry (C): The carry generated from the addition.

Logic Equations:

  • Sum (S): S=A⊕BS = A \oplus B (XOR operation)
  • Carry (C): C=A⋅BC = A \cdot B (AND operation)

Truth Table:

A B Sum (S) Carry (C)
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1


A half adder can be implemented using an XOR gate for the sum and an AND gate for the carry.

2. Full Adder

A full adder adds three bits: two input bits and a carry bit from a previous addition. It outputs a sum and a carry.

  • Inputs: Three bits: AA, BB, and CinC_{\text{in}} (carry input from the previous stage).
  • Outputs:
    • Sum (S): The binary sum of AA, BB, and CinC_{\text{in}}.
    • Carry (C_{\text{out}}): The carry generated from the addition.

Logic Equations:

  • Sum (S): S=A⊕B⊕CinS = A \oplus B \oplus C_{\text{in}}
  • Carry (C_{\text{out}}): Cout=(A⋅B)+(B⋅Cin)+(A⋅Cin)C_{\text{out}} = (A \cdot B) + (B \cdot C_{\text{in}}) + (A \cdot C_{\text{in}})

Truth Table:

A B CinC_{\text{in}} Sum (S) Carry (C_{\text{out}})
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1


A full adder can be implemented by cascading two half adders and an OR gate to combine the carries.

3. Half Subtracter

A half subtracter is a combinational circuit that subtracts two single-bit binary numbers. It produces a difference and a borrow.

  • Inputs: Two bits: AA (minuend) and BB (subtrahend).
  • Outputs:
    • Difference (D): The binary difference of AA and BB.
    • Borrow (B): The borrow generated when subtracting BB from AA.

Logic Equations:

  • Difference (D): D=A⊕BD = A \oplus B (XOR operation)
  • Borrow (B): B=¬A⋅BB = \neg A \cdot B (NOT AA AND BB)

Truth Table:

A B Difference (D) Borrow (B)
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0


A half subtracter can be implemented using an XOR gate for the difference and an AND gate combined with a NOT gate for the borrow.

4. Full Subtracter

A full subtracter subtracts three bits: two input bits and a borrow bit from the previous stage. It produces a difference and a borrow output.

  • Inputs: Three bits: AA, BB, and BinB_{\text{in}} (borrow input from the previous stage).
  • Outputs:
    • Difference (D): The binary difference of AA, BB, and BinB_{\text{in}}.
    • Borrow (B_{\text{out}}): The borrow generated from the subtraction.

Logic Equations:

  • Difference (D): D=A⊕B⊕BinD = A \oplus B \oplus B_{\text{in}}
  • Borrow (B_{\text{out}}): Bout=¬A⋅B+¬A⋅Bin+B⋅BinB_{\text{out}} = \neg A \cdot B + \neg A \cdot B_{\text{in}} + B \cdot B_{\text{in}}

Truth Table:

A B BinB_{\text{in}} Difference (D) Borrow (B_{\text{out}})
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1


A full subtracter can be implemented by cascading two half subtracters and an OR gate to combine the borrows.

4.2 Code converters

Code converters are digital circuits designed to convert data from one type of binary code to another. These circuits are crucial in various digital systems where different components or subsystems may use different coding schemes. Below are some common types of code converters:

1. Binary to Gray Code Converter

Gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit. It is widely used in error correction in digital communication systems.

Conversion Process:

  • The Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the Gray code is the same as the MSB of the binary code.
  • Each subsequent bit of Gray code is the XOR of the current binary bit and the previous binary bit.

Logic Equations:

  • G3=B3G_3 = B_3
  • G2=B3⊕B2G_2 = B_3 \oplus B_2
  • G1=B2⊕B1G_1 = B_2 \oplus B_1
  • G0=B1⊕B0G_0 = B_1 \oplus B_0

Where B3,B2,B1,B0B_3, B_2, B_1, B_0 are the binary inputs and G3,G2,G1,G0G_3, G_2, G_1, G_0 are the Gray code outputs.


Binary Gray Code
0000 0000
0001 0001
0010 0011
0011 0010
0100 0110
0101 0111
0110 0101
0111 0100

2. Gray to Binary Code Converter

This is the inverse of the binary to Gray code converter, converting Gray code back to binary.

Conversion Process:

  • The Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the binary code is the same as the MSB of the Gray code.
  • Each subsequent binary bit is the XOR of the previous binary bit and the corresponding Gray code bit.

Logic Equations:

  • B3=G3B_3 = G_3
  • B2=B3⊕G2B_2 = B_3 \oplus G_2
  • B1=B2⊕G1B_1 = B_2 \oplus G_1
  • B0=B1⊕G0B_0 = B_1 \oplus G_0

Where G3,G2,G1,G0G_3, G_2, G_1, G_0 are the Gray code inputs and B3,B2,B1,B0B_3, B_2, B_1, B_0 are the binary outputs.

3. Binary to BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) Converter

Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) represents each decimal digit as a four-bit binary number. A binary to BCD converter converts a binary number to its equivalent BCD representation.

Conversion Process:

  1. Separate each decimal digit from the binary value.
  2. Convert each decimal digit into its corresponding 4-bit BCD representation.

For example, to convert the binary number 10102=10101010_2 = 10_{10} to BCD:

  • 101010_{10} is represented in BCD as 000100000001 0000.

Circuit Implementation:

To convert binary to BCD, a series of logic gates or a specialized algorithm such as the Double Dabble algorithm is used.

4. BCD to Binary Converter

A BCD to binary converter converts a BCD-encoded number back to its binary equivalent. Each BCD digit is a 4-bit binary number, and the conversion process involves decoding these 4-bit groups and combining them to form a binary number.

Conversion Example:

  • 001001010010 0101 in BCD represents 251025_{10}. The binary equivalent of 25 is 11001211001_2.

5. Binary to Excess-3 (XS-3) Code Converter

Excess-3 (XS-3) is a BCD-like code where each decimal digit is represented by its binary equivalent plus 3.

Conversion Process:

  1. Add 3 to the binary number of the decimal digit.
  2. Convert the sum into a 4-bit binary number.


  • Decimal digit 5 is 010120101_2.
  • Add 3: 5+3=85 + 3 = 8.
  • The binary of 8 is 100021000_2.
  • Therefore, the Excess-3 code for 5 is 10001000.

Circuit Implementation:

The logic equations for converting a 4-bit binary input to Excess-3 can be derived using Karnaugh maps.

6. Excess-3 to Binary Converter

An Excess-3 to binary converter converts Excess-3 code back to its binary equivalent.

Conversion Process:

  1. Subtract 3 from the Excess-3 code to obtain the original decimal digit.
  2. Convert the decimal digit back to binary.


  • Excess-3 code 10001000 represents the decimal number 88.
  • Subtract 3: 8−3=58 – 3 = 5.
  • The binary of 5 is 010120101_2.

7. ASCII to Binary Converter

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a 7-bit or 8-bit code representing alphanumeric characters and symbols.

Conversion Process:

  1. Each ASCII character is mapped to its corresponding 7-bit or 8-bit binary code.
  2. Convert the ASCII code to binary using its predefined mapping.


  • The ASCII code for the letter ‘A’ is 100000121000001_2.

8. Binary to ASCII Converter

A binary to ASCII converter performs the reverse operation, converting a binary code back into its corresponding ASCII character.


  • 100000121000001_2 in binary represents the ASCII character ‘A’.

4.3 Multiplexers and demultiplexers

1. Multiplexer (MUX)

A Multiplexer is a combinational logic circuit that selects one of several input signals and forwards the selected input to a single output line. It operates based on select lines, which determine which input is transmitted to the output.

Basic Features:

  • Inputs: 2n2^n data inputs, where nn is the number of select lines.
  • Select Lines: nn control inputs used to select one of the inputs.
  • Output: One output line that carries the selected input.

Example: 2-to-1 Multiplexer

A 2-to-1 multiplexer selects between two inputs I0I_0 and I1I_1, based on a single select line SS.

  • Logic Equation:
    Y=S⋅I1+S‾⋅I0Y = S \cdot I_1 + \overline{S} \cdot I_0

Truth Table for 2-to-1 MUX:

Select (S) Input I0I_0 Input I1I_1 Output (Y)
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1

Example: 4-to-1 Multiplexer

A 4-to-1 multiplexer selects one of four inputs I0,I1,I2,I3I_0, I_1, I_2, I_3, based on two select lines S0S_0 and S1S_1.

  • Logic Equation:
    Y=S1‾⋅S0‾⋅I0+S1‾⋅S0⋅I1+S1⋅S0‾⋅I2+S1⋅S0⋅I3Y = \overline{S_1} \cdot \overline{S_0} \cdot I_0 + \overline{S_1} \cdot S_0 \cdot I_1 + S_1 \cdot \overline{S_0} \cdot I_2 + S_1 \cdot S_0 \cdot I_3

Truth Table for 4-to-1 MUX:

S1S_1 S0S_0 Input I0I_0 Input I1I_1 Input I2I_2 Input I3I_3 Output (Y)
0 0 X X X X I0I_0
0 1 X X X X I1I_1
1 0 X X X X I2I_2
1 1 X X X X I3I_3

Applications of Multiplexers:

  • Data routing in communication systems.
  • Selective data transmission in processors.
  • Logic function generation.
  • Memory address decoding.

2. Demultiplexer (DEMUX)

A Demultiplexer is a combinational logic circuit that takes a single input and routes it to one of several output lines. It is the opposite of a multiplexer, distributing a single data input to a selected output line based on the select lines.

Basic Features:

  • Input: One data input.
  • Select Lines: nn control lines to determine which output line receives the input.
  • Outputs: 2n2^n output lines.

Example: 1-to-2 Demultiplexer

A 1-to-2 demultiplexer routes a single input II to one of two output lines Y0Y_0 or Y1Y_1, based on a select line SS.

  • Logic Equations:
    • Y0=S‾⋅IY_0 = \overline{S} \cdot I
    • Y1=S⋅IY_1 = S \cdot I

Truth Table for 1-to-2 DEMUX:

Select (S) Input (I) Output Y0Y_0 Output Y1Y_1
0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0

Example: 1-to-4 Demultiplexer

A 1-to-4 demultiplexer routes a single input to one of four outputs Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3Y_0, Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, based on two select lines S1S_1 and S0S_0.

  • Logic Equations:
    • Y0=S1‾⋅S0‾⋅IY_0 = \overline{S_1} \cdot \overline{S_0} \cdot I
    • Y1=S1‾⋅S0⋅IY_1 = \overline{S_1} \cdot S_0 \cdot I
    • Y2=S1⋅S0‾⋅IY_2 = S_1 \cdot \overline{S_0} \cdot I
    • Y3=S1⋅S0⋅IY_3 = S_1 \cdot S_0 \cdot I

Truth Table for 1-to-4 DEMUX:

S1S_1 S0S_0 Input (I) Output Y0Y_0 Output Y1Y_1 Output Y2Y_2 Output Y3Y_3
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 1

Applications of Demultiplexers:

  • Data distribution in communication systems.
  • Memory decoding.
  • Data routing in digital circuits.
  • Conversion of serial data to parallel form.

Multiplexer vs. Demultiplexer

Multiplexer (MUX) Demultiplexer (DEMUX)
Selects one input from multiple inputs. Routes one input to multiple outputs.
Operates based on multiple select lines. Operates based on multiple select lines.
Has multiple inputs and one output. Has one input and multiple outputs.
Combines several data lines into one. Distributes one data line to several lines.
Example: 4-to-1 MUX, 8-to-1 MUX. Example: 1-to-4 DEMUX, 1-to-8 DEMUX.

4.4 Encoders and Decoders

1. Encoders

An Encoder is a combinational logic circuit that converts multiple input lines into a smaller number of output lines. It performs the inverse operation of a decoder, reducing the number of data bits by encoding it into a binary form.


  • Inputs: 2n2^n input lines, where nn is the number of bits required to represent the output.
  • Outputs: nn output lines representing the binary code of the active input.

Example: 4-to-2 Encoder

A 4-to-2 encoder has four inputs I0,I1,I2,I3I_0, I_1, I_2, I_3 and two outputs Y0Y_0 and Y1Y_1. It converts one of the four active inputs into a 2-bit binary code.

  • Logic Equations:
    • Y1=I2+I3Y_1 = I_2 + I_3
    • Y0=I1+I3Y_0 = I_1 + I_3

Truth Table for 4-to-2 Encoder:

Input I3I_3 Input I2I_2 Input I1I_1 Input I0I_0 Output Y1Y_1 Output Y0Y_0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1

In this example, only one input should be active at a time. The active input produces a unique binary code at the output.

Priority Encoder:

A priority encoder is an advanced version of the standard encoder where if multiple inputs are active at the same time, the encoder will prioritize the input with the highest significance (i.e., the highest-numbered input).

Applications of Encoders:

  • Data compression in communication systems.
  • Implementing binary logic in digital systems.
  • Input/output devices in microprocessors.

2. Decoders

A Decoder is a combinational logic circuit that converts binary-encoded input data into a corresponding unique output. It performs the inverse operation of an encoder, converting an nn-bit binary code into one of 2n2^n outputs.


  • Inputs: nn binary input lines.
  • Outputs: 2n2^n output lines, where one output is activated based on the input binary code.
  • Enable: Some decoders include an enable input to activate or deactivate the decoding function.

Example: 2-to-4 Decoder

A 2-to-4 decoder has two inputs A0A_0 and A1A_1, and four outputs Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3Y_0, Y_1, Y_2, Y_3. It decodes the 2-bit binary input into one of the four outputs.

  • Logic Equations:
    • Y0=A1‾⋅A0‾Y_0 = \overline{A_1} \cdot \overline{A_0}
    • Y1=A1‾⋅A0Y_1 = \overline{A_1} \cdot A_0
    • Y2=A1⋅A0‾Y_2 = A_1 \cdot \overline{A_0}
    • Y3=A1⋅A0Y_3 = A_1 \cdot A_0

Truth Table for 2-to-4 Decoder:

Input A1A_1 Input A0A_0 Output Y0Y_0 Output Y1Y_1 Output Y2Y_2 Output Y3Y_3
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1

Example: 3-to-8 Decoder

A 3-to-8 decoder takes 3 input bits and decodes them into 8 unique output lines. The outputs correspond to the binary value of the inputs.

Logic Equations for 3-to-8 Decoder:

  • Y0=A2‾⋅A1‾⋅A0‾Y_0 = \overline{A_2} \cdot \overline{A_1} \cdot \overline{A_0}
  • Y1=A2‾⋅A1‾⋅A0Y_1 = \overline{A_2} \cdot \overline{A_1} \cdot A_0
  • Y2=A2‾⋅A1⋅A0‾Y_2 = \overline{A_2} \cdot A_1 \cdot \overline{A_0}
  • Y3=A2‾⋅A1⋅A0Y_3 = \overline{A_2} \cdot A_1 \cdot A_0
  • Y4=A2⋅A1‾⋅A0‾Y_4 = A_2 \cdot \overline{A_1} \cdot \overline{A_0}
  • Y5=A2⋅A1‾⋅A0Y_5 = A_2 \cdot \overline{A_1} \cdot A_0
  • Y6=A2⋅A1⋅A0‾Y_6 = A_2 \cdot A_1 \cdot \overline{A_0}
  • Y7=A2⋅A1⋅A0Y_7 = A_2 \cdot A_1 \cdot A_0

Truth Table for 3-to-8 Decoder:

A2A_2 A1A_1 A0A_0 Output Y0Y_0 Output Y1Y_1 Output Y2Y_2 Output Y3Y_3 Output Y4Y_4 Output Y5Y_5 Output Y6Y_6 Output Y7Y_7
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Applications of Decoders:

  • Memory address decoding.
  • Data demultiplexing.
  • Binary-to-7-segment display decoders.
  • Instruction decoding in microprocessors.

Encoder vs. Decoder

Encoder Decoder
Converts multiple inputs into a smaller binary output. Converts a binary input into a corresponding larger output.
Reduces the number of data bits. Increases the number of data bits.
Example: 4-to-2 Encoder, Priority Encoder. Example: 2-to-4 Decoder, 3-to-8 Decoder.
Used in data compression and coding schemes. Used in memory address decoding and displays.

4.5 Combinational Circuit design procedure

Designing a combinational logic circuit involves creating a system where the outputs depend only on the current combination of inputs, without memory elements or feedback loops. The process follows a structured approach to ensure correctness and efficiency. Here is a step-by-step procedure:

1. Problem Specification

The first step is to clearly define the problem or the functionality that the circuit needs to achieve. This includes:

  • Identifying the required inputs and outputs.
  • Understanding the desired relationship between inputs and outputs.


Design a circuit that adds two single-bit binary numbers, producing a sum and a carry (i.e., a half-adder).

2. Determine Input and Output Variables

List all the input and output variables, and decide how many bits each variable will have.

  • Inputs: Identify how many input variables are involved (denoted by X1,X2,…,XnX_1, X_2, \dots, X_n).
  • Outputs: Determine how many outputs are needed (denoted by Y1,Y2,…,YmY_1, Y_2, \dots, Y_m).

Example (for a half-adder):

  • Inputs: Two 1-bit inputs, AA and BB.
  • Outputs: Sum SS and Carry CC.

3. Truth Table Construction

Construct the truth table that lists all possible combinations of input values and the corresponding desired output values. This table will represent how the circuit should behave for each input condition.

Example: Truth Table for a Half-Adder

AA BB Sum (SS) Carry (CC)
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

4. Boolean Function Derivation

Using the truth table, derive Boolean expressions for each output variable. Each output can be expressed as a sum of minterms (Sum of Products, or SOP) or a product of maxterms (Product of Sums, or POS).

Example: Boolean Functions for a Half-Adder

  • For Sum (S):
    S=A⊕B=A⋅B‾+A‾⋅BS = A \oplus B = A \cdot \overline{B} + \overline{A} \cdot B
    (This is an XOR operation.)
  • For Carry (C):
    C=A⋅BC = A \cdot B

5. Simplify Boolean Functions

Simplify the Boolean expressions using Boolean algebra rules, Karnaugh maps (K-maps), or the Quine-McCluskey method. Simplification helps to minimize the number of gates and inputs, making the circuit more efficient.

Simplification Techniques:

  • Boolean Algebra: Apply Boolean identities and theorems.
  • K-Maps: Group minterms into larger groups to simplify the expression.
  • Quine-McCluskey: Tabular method for systematic simplification.

Example (Half-Adder):

  • The Boolean functions for Sum and Carry are already in simplified form.

6. Logic Diagram Design

After obtaining the simplified Boolean functions, draw the logic diagram using the appropriate logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc.). This step visualizes the circuit and helps in understanding how different gates are interconnected.

Example: Logic Diagram for Half-Adder

  • For Sum (SS): Use an XOR gate.
  • For Carry (CC): Use an AND gate.

7. Circuit Implementation

The final step is to implement the circuit either through physical hardware (using ICs and gates) or in simulation software. Ensure that the design works as expected by testing various input combinations and observing the outputs.

Hardware Implementation:

  • Implement the circuit using digital logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, etc.) or ICs.


  • Simulate the design using tools like Verilog, VHDL, or simulation software like Logisim or Multisim to verify its correctness.

8. Verification and Testing

Test the circuit against the truth table to ensure that the circuit produces the correct output for each combination of inputs. Simulation tools or breadboarding can be used to test the design. Verify that the circuit behaves as expected in all cases.

Testing Steps:

  • Apply all possible input combinations.
  • Observe the output values.
  • Ensure that the outputs match the expected values from the truth table.

Example: Full Design Procedure for a Half-Adder

  1. Problem Specification:
    • A circuit that adds two binary bits and generates a sum and a carry.
  2. Inputs and Outputs:
    • Inputs: AA, BB (1-bit each).
    • Outputs: Sum (SS), Carry (CC).
  3. Truth Table:
AA BB Sum (SS) Carry (CC)
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
  1. Boolean Function Derivation:
    • S=A⊕BS = A \oplus B
    • C=A⋅BC = A \cdot B
  2. Simplification:
    • The Boolean functions are already simplified.
  3. Logic Diagram:
    • XOR gate for SS.
    • AND gate for CC.
  4. Circuit Implementation:
    • Build the circuit using an XOR gate and an AND gate.
  5. Verification:
    • Test with all input combinations: A=0,B=1A = 0, B = 1, A=1,B=1A = 1, B = 1, etc., and verify that the outputs match the truth table.

4.6 Binary Parallel Adder

A Binary Parallel Adder is a digital circuit used to add two multi-bit binary numbers simultaneously. Unlike a serial adder, where bits are added one at a time, a parallel adder adds all bits of the binary numbers at the same time, making it faster for large binary numbers. The circuit is typically implemented using full adders connected in parallel.

Components of a Binary Parallel Adder

The main building block of a binary parallel adder is the full adder. A full adder adds two binary digits and a carry-in from the previous less significant bit position.

Each full adder has:

  • Two input bits: representing the corresponding bits of the two binary numbers being added.
  • Carry-in: from the previous stage (the less significant bit position).
  • Carry-out: to the next stage (the more significant bit position).
  • Sum: the result of adding the input bits and the carry-in.

How a Binary Parallel Adder Works

  1. Inputs: The two binary numbers AA and BB, and an optional carry-in.
  2. Output: The sum of the binary numbers and a carry-out from the most significant bit (MSB).

For an nn-bit binary parallel adder:

  • There are nn full adders.
  • Each full adder computes the sum of corresponding bits from the two numbers and passes the carry to the next full adder in line.

Example: 4-bit Binary Parallel Adder

To add two 4-bit binary numbers, say A3A2A1A0A_3 A_2 A_1 A_0 and B3B2B1B0B_3 B_2 B_1 B_0, a binary parallel adder uses four full adders connected in series. The carry-out from each full adder is connected to the carry-in of the next full adder.

  • Adder for Least Significant Bit (LSB):
    • Inputs: A0,B0,Cin=0A_0, B_0, C_{in} = 0 (if there is no carry from a previous stage).
    • Outputs: S0S_0 (sum) and C1C_1 (carry to the next stage).
  • Adder for Bit 1:
    • Inputs: A1,B1,C1A_1, B_1, C_1 (carry from the previous stage).
    • Outputs: S1S_1 (sum) and C2C_2 (carry to the next stage).
  • Adder for Bit 2:
    • Inputs: A2,B2,C2A_2, B_2, C_2.
    • Outputs: S2S_2 and C3C_3.
  • Adder for Most Significant Bit (MSB):
    • Inputs: A3,B3,C3A_3, B_3, C_3.
    • Outputs: S3S_3 and C4C_4 (final carry-out).

Truth Table for a Full Adder:

Input A Input B Carry-In CinC_{in} Sum SS Carry-Out CoutC_{out}
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1

Boolean Equations for a Full Adder:

  • Sum (S):
    S=A⊕B⊕CinS = A \oplus B \oplus C_{in}
    (The XOR of the inputs and the carry-in).
  • Carry-out (C_{out}):
    Cout=(A⋅B)+(B⋅Cin)+(A⋅Cin)C_{out} = (A \cdot B) + (B \cdot C_{in}) + (A \cdot C_{in})

4-bit Binary Parallel Adder Design

A 4-bit binary parallel adder consists of four full adders. The carry-out from each full adder is passed to the next full adder in the chain.

Block Diagram of a 4-bit Binary Parallel Adder:

 A3 B3 Cin Cout
┌──┐ ┌──┐ ┌──┐
┌──┤FA ├──┤FA├─┤FA│
│ └──┘ └──┘ └──┘
A2 B2 Cin Cout

Operation of the 4-bit Parallel Adder:

  1. First Full Adder (LSB): Adds A0A_0, B0B_0, and initial carry-in Cin=0C_{in} = 0. Produces sum S0S_0 and carry C1C_1.
  2. Second Full Adder: Adds A1A_1, B1B_1, and C1C_1. Produces sum S1S_1 and carry C2C_2.
  3. Third Full Adder: Adds A2A_2, B2B_2, and C2C_2. Produces sum S2S_2 and carry C3C_3.
  4. Fourth Full Adder (MSB): Adds A3A_3, B3B_3, and C3C_3. Produces sum S3S_3 and final carry-out C4C_4.

Example: 4-bit Binary Addition

Let’s add two 4-bit binary numbers:

  • A=1010A = 1010 (10 in decimal)
  • B=1101B = 1101 (13 in decimal)

Step-by-step addition using the binary parallel adder:

  1. Add LSB:
    A0=0,B0=1,Cin=0A_0 = 0, B_0 = 1, C_{in} = 0
    S0=1,C1=0S_0 = 1, C_1 = 0
  2. Add second bit:
    A1=1,B1=0,C1=0A_1 = 1, B_1 = 0, C_1 = 0
    S1=1,C2=0S_1 = 1, C_2 = 0
  3. Add third bit:
    A2=0,B2=1,C2=0A_2 = 0, B_2 = 1, C_2 = 0
    S2=1,C3=0S_2 = 1, C_3 = 0
  4. Add MSB:
    A3=1,B3=1,C3=0A_3 = 1, B_3 = 1, C_3 = 0
    S3=0,C4=1S_3 = 0, C_4 = 1

Final result:

  • Sum: S3S2S1S0=10111S_3 S_2 S_1 S_0 = 10111 (binary for 23 in decimal)
  • Carry-out: C4=1C_4 = 1

Advantages of Binary Parallel Adders

  • Speed: All bits are added simultaneously, making it faster than serial adders.
  • Scalability: Can be extended to any number of bits by adding more full adders.

Applications of Binary Parallel Adders

  • ALUs (Arithmetic Logic Units): Adders are fundamental in performing arithmetic operations in CPUs.
  • Digital Counters: Used in creating fast counter circuits.
  • Data Processors: Critical for adding binary numbers in digital processors.
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